January is a time of transition at Flinders, a time of exploration, discovery and wonder. We move to new buildings, meet new people, discover new places. We search and question. We become familiar, and find new ways to belong. For some, the journey is brand new, as new children and families are welcomed into the Flinders community in all Houses. For others, it is the careful blending of the familiar and the unfamiliar as looping maintains relationships in new environments. Change is present for all of us, so we move gently and kindly together as we uncover the new.
Programs during January, and sometimes through February and March, focus on the development of strong, respectful relationships. Educators’ primary focus is to build, develop and maintain reciprocal relationships with children and families. This might look like cuddles, stories, songs, shared play, smiles, hand holding, or quiet time just being close by. Each individual relationship is a dance, and it can take time for each participant to learn the steps.
Sometimes families wonder; what can I do to help my child feel settled? Here a some simple tips that might help. You know your child best, so please feel free to share your thoughts with an educator or offer other suggestions in the comments;
- Sharing your positive thoughts about Flinders and the things your child might do
- Being brave
- Taking time to stay and play at pick up time, and making drop offs brief and kind
- Talking about children and educators your child might see during the day and remembering wonderful things they have done together
- Acknowledging your child’s (and your!) feelings; “You are feeling really sad. It’s hard to say goodbye, I will miss you too. You will play with ….. today and I will see you tonight for a big cuddle!”
Transitions are challenging for everyone, and sometimes it can take a while for things to reach a sense of equilibrium. This is a time where we ask the Flinders community to gather and support one another, to go gently and kindly together. If there is anything you are wondering about, or you would like to discuss further, please feel free to give us a call.